Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bloglines - Ken, Marcus, Tom

Bloglines user PeterDawson (slash.pd@gmail.com) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

some of the greatests Thought leaders caught together :)- !!

tompeters!company   The Tom Peters Weblog
Dispatches from the New World of Work

Ken, Marcus, Tom

Ken Blanchard, Marcus Buckingham, and Tom Peters

Yesterday in Phoenix. The three content providers—Ken Blanchard, Marcus Buckingham, and Tom. (Ken B was Tom's roommate for a while at Cornell.) Photo credit to Ilse Dehner, LumaCore Events Manager.

Ken Blanchard is known for One Minute Manager; Marcus Buckingham, for The One Thing You Need to Know, the subject of one of Tom's special presentations.

Posted by Cathy Mosca | Comments?

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