Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bloglines - DDoS Attack Hits Six Apart

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

I missed this totally !! Bad me . Thks to Om for the pointer.

Om Malik   GigaOM
a daily report on broadband, VoIP, and next generation Internet

DDoS Attack Hits Six Apart

By Om Malik on Start-Ups

How does a start-up know that it has made it big? Google and Yahoo both want to buy them… right. That is sooooo… 2005. Apparently, when your service is brought down by a massive distributed denial of service attack, you know you have joined a weird kind of hall of fame. Six Apart, the fine folks behind TypePad, Moveable Type, and Live Journal, came under massive DDoS attack, that took down their entire infrastructure. For latest status reports click here.

Since approximately 4:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time, Six Apart has been the victim of a sophisticated distributed denial of service attack. This has affected all of Six Apart’s sites, causing intermittent and limited availability for TypePad, LiveJournal, TypeKey,, and Our network operations staff is working around the clock with our Internet access providers to resolve the issue. We appreciate your patience and support, and will provide updates as we have them.


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