Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bloglines - IE7 To Be IE7+ in Vista

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

Sarah is a good reader, she cataches the chatter :)-
"Strangely enough, the commenters on the blog entry regarding IE7+ are arguing about the name instead of discussing the features"

yeah and I picked myself another classic for Cafe Press !!

"<bang-head repeat="true"/> "


IE7 To Be IE7+ in Vista

By sarahintampa on Microsoft

Ie7_h2_rgb In Windows Vista, the included browser will not be IE7, but IE7+. This version of IE will include Windows Vista-only features like Protected Mode, Parental Controls, and improved Network Diagnostics. The features take advantage of the big changes in Microsoft's next OS, and couldn't really be brought to downlevel versions. Strangely enough, the commenters on the blog entry regarding IE7+ are arguing about the name instead of discussing the features. What's wrong with "IE7+"? I don't get it...

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