Thursday, October 07, 2004


Everthing is happening !!!

Google Luanches SMS, this the chatter on the net. All this is happening as WEB2.0 is in progress. Google, also launches the Personalized Search Application.
KeyHole, a suprise entry. Digit Imaging has been declassified, Geo Stuff is avialable on the desktop.
Feedster Syndicated Feeds - Grabs the market !! Excellent Products range.
Joho blog also feed nice information.
Podcasting, with BitTorrent and iPodder is there. Yet, there is no protocol for iPodder to iPodder talk. Stright line of data transfers. Starter Kit for Podcasting .
CEO-MicroSoft engrages Community.
Roja luanuches Beta Aggregator !! Good Reviews.
Further reads : Here, Here, and Here.... more follows !!
MSCE luanched... , & Longhorn ..not chatter.. :)-
Yahoo makes a side move with Yahoo!Next and Yahoo!Local, plus there RSS methods and UI. Looks good actually. Yahoo hold the patents(?) . They hold the key
However, Google has the methods done !!
These are interesting times.....

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