Interesting - sme are being used. Google++ =mechturks ??
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Peter Dawson Home of Thought
Interesting - sme are being used. Google++ =mechturks ??
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an interesting theory
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What is steph yak yakin on this thread ? and what is the fight about ?? I kind lost the thread of converstions as I am only sub'ing to Stephs feed..
Anyhoot - "linguistic disbalance" =-seems new to me.. how does one become disblanced because of what language they speak ?? ..need to follow up and read more
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Embedded is a live and ticking count of the forum users. This is great way to monitor activites and membership !!
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who is Ingrid Diaz ?? will she and jeremy help me sell my blog ?? :)-
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Another round of A-Listers and the suck up , bend over and grease up attitude !! Randy digs the story well :)-
Take time to Follow te linky's !!
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This is cute :)-
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Hahaha- Sandy finds herself included in an article and she does not know what this means !!
Point to note- Sandy actually writes well. I learn what's happening in the BPM world from her. She's a good source :)-
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Thought you might want to check this out.
digg user slashpd would like to share this story with you:
"Get Your Blog Noticed!"
Alec has moved the knob with some sound advice on how to get your blog noticed. Good Reading to promote your blog onto Broadway !!
+2 people dugg this story
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Outage / service distruptuions of last nite being noted here too..
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I only met Don once, when we had the Shel / Shoeless joe event. but from that day (mar/6th) I began takin his feeds and I find myself humbled by the strength that he has !!
I sincerly wish that he slowly recovers.
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He also caught the change happening on security policy.!!
This is the first wave containment for single sign service offering !
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When I get home. I must watch the video. Rebecca alwasy has some insight on the issues with china and the freedom of speech and democracy. I wonder how come she is not been deemed as 'non welcome' status in china ? What do they call it "perso non grata" status ??
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This is why I love Susan. :)- she cuts a post which gives clean crisp details. Its like being in the darn control room at T-48 seconds !!
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Father od the long tail -has the book cover completed- nice !!
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A nice post here. Short and sweet craving of end2end principle in 5 impact areas !
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I don't understand why typepad sent me this when I tried mobile posting!!
Nothing got posted, yet I get a confirm.
Sent via BlackBerry on the Bell Mobility network
-----Original Message-----
From: TypePad <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 21:13:18
Subject: Posted Successfully
JonJon is using skype and evaluting another another app skinned or what ??
Free international calls to landlines thats sweet !!
Need to followup with him !!
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they also are now are no going full stream ahead into the maposphere -- API and all !!
Thats nice google needs healthy competetion !! :)_
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Lessig is telling me to read this before picking a side !! What has intrigued him, this book matters the most in the lasr decade of his life. So its the no#1 book in the last ten yrs !!
Now, thats an eye opener.. coming from Lessing !!
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An interedting, thought process here with true interlecutal capital !!
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I dont belive this !! He actually used a copy of the treaty to wrap up a mug !!!!
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I see that Dave Crow is enjoying the Game and BarCamp fun too !!
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what this ?? "gabbro: a hard, black rock"
how can this used and why so deep ?? Alternative fossil fuels ??
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a bundle of happines or a circle of contentment ??
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heres anther proposition for flicker.. tracking the conversations on flicker.
Merlin is doing some great stuff here actually. A lot of personal attention data can be culled via in interface like this.
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need this for those darn stupid stupid..ppt presentations with 12-14 size fonts that em folk always give .. ... pinpoint the defiencies !!
Laser beam to whiteboard.. need min 30 ft beam
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why is mike pushing the envelope here ??
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nice posting. SEO is a whole new ball of wax with mobile. Need to pick up chatter on authors of this posting.
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From the Thought Platform !!
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From the SCMv2.0 platform !!
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Orli's doing good !!
She's is cutting information before other players. For example Pete cuts it later here;
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While google buy them out ?? After all they want to be a wifi player too correct ?? I see another side here
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Need to follow this up.
M told me this : "You hit the nail on the head --- it's how many people stick around that will be truly interesting.
I hope you'll take Foldera for a spin once we release beta accounts in early May, and then post your reaction - good and bad. We have much to learn from people such as yourself.
Best, M.
Michael Sampson
Global VP of Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Foldera, Inc.
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