Monday, June 12, 2006

Rouge Personalitys !!

Mark identififies the trend pretty well
"For why he left, check out his blog while countless others riff on what it means, etc. To me, perhaps the most interesting angle is connecting Scoble's decision to Tara Hunt's recent decision to leave so she could leverage her "brand" and follow own entrepreneurial route. Both Scoble and Hunt are blogging stars"
Yes, Blue Ocean Strategy is not working at all. Both internal and external metrics are failing. This new trend is happening all over, not just with Tara and Robert. There a lot of  others out there. There are tons of examples of companies that, with a diverse perspective, unearth huge opportunities where others don't look.
Johansson is also giving some breakthrough insights at the intersection of fields, disciplines and cultures. His views are at the High alttidute level.

PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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