Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bloglines - 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

tony's in chapter 8 :)_

Tony Ruscoe's Blog
Tony Ruscoe's personal website where you can read about Ruscoe Family Genealogy and view Tony's photos, blog, site archive and portfolio...

55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

By Tony Ruscoe

In November last year, Google Blogoscoped's Philipp Lenssen announced that he would be writing a book titled “55 Ways To Have Fun With Google” about... well... fifty-five ways to have fun with Google.

Philipp interviewed me a few days later as he needed a “Google expert” – and those are his words, not mine – for one of the chapters in the book, firing question after question about Google's services at me which I had to answer spontaneously.

Anyway, 55 Ways to Have Fun With Google has finally been released via Lulu – which is apparently ‘the only place on the web where you can publish, sell and buy any and all things digital’ – and I've just ordered my copy. (I've even finally registered an account on Digg and dugg it to try and get it a bit more exposure.)

I know Philipp's worked hard on this book, so congratulations to him on finally getting it finished and let's hope it sells well!

[Via Google Blogoscoped, of course...]


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