Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bloglines - Skype and iotum

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

why why not develop ??

The gc_SetUpTransfer( ) function initiates a supervised call transfer and let the API line device handle it ..cant it be done like this ?? What am I missing here ??

I also noted this too

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Alec Saunders' personal soapbox on World Events, Canadian Politics, and the Technology Business. Ingredients include a little wine, and a lot of VoIP.

Skype and iotum

By Alec on Tech & Business

I have to admit to being underwhelmed by the EBay announcements of the last couple of days.  A teaser peek at the EBay / Paypal integration, and click to call in PayPal advertising.  As Luca Fillighedu pointed out, if all they wanted was click to call, then $4 billion was a little bit excessive.

Both Luca, and Jim Courtney at SkypeJournal made an iotum / Skype connection.  Luca points out that an iotum / Skype integration would allow sellers to be always available.  Phil Wolff speculated that Skype might cause a flood of EBay calls and Jim messaged me that iotum could be the key to managing those calls on the basis of value to the seller.  These are all great thoughts.

Naturally, at this point it’s difficult for us to do anything with Skype until the much promised call transfer API is available.  According to the presentations, that won’t be until late this year and initially it will be only Skype to Skype.  Until then, we’ll be focusing our efforts elsewhere.  It’s unfortunate, because we’d like to be Skype developers.


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