PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
"This message is printed on Recycled Electrons."
Peter Dawson Home of Thought
via : Goodmorning thinkers"My personal next step: become carbon neutral. Since I have only the vaguest idea about how to do this, I'm going to start a new blog where I'll put the info I find in case it will be helpful to you. Here's the link:
Chris sez --" (hmm, what if instead of a social security number, we were assigned a URL at birth? whoa.)."
When you are born you are implemented with an RFID chip !!
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"I hope to find someone who was blogging it to see what I said."
This bugger is so so much fun to read, He does not remember what he spoke about !!
Yeah he's the guy, who coined the term Advisory capital, Converstional index and a host of other things :)-
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Via Jon
this is very interesting. Thanks Randy !!
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"where only the prickliest survive." !!!
How nice... thanks cathy & tom
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2000 Year Old Computer Reveals Secrets
About a century ago, a mysterious device was recovered from the sunken wreckage of a Roman ship. Greek sponge divers brought the relic to the surface where it was studied at length. It has since been named the Antikythera Mechanism. The machine is estimated to be over two thousand years old, and is Greek in origin. It is an archaeological paradox that we have been trying to solve
PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
"This message is printed on Recycled Electrons."
Some puppitudes have been clipped for the summertime heat. But wait—don't tell me someone clipped off an extra ear or two in the process?!
why why not develop ??
The gc_SetUpTransfer( ) function initiates a supervised call transfer and let the API line device handle it ..cant it be done like this ?? What am I missing here ??
I also noted this too
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"The Web is The Database(tm)." !! Did Paul just trade mark that ?? :)-
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This is really good post that makes me rethink on soa's and stuff like that !
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This is really good post that makes me rethink on soa's and stuff like that !
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When a man faces his destiny- his destiny ends and he becomes his destiny !!
16 blocks
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nice, I like the "walled-garden" garden saying !!
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It appears that I hit a nerve. Comments on my blog entry Lies Your Vendor Told You showed just how deep the distrust runs between customer and vendor in the IT space. But it also produced a great list of suggestions--some obvious, some not so--to help you stay free of the web of lies.
[via] Chris Lindquist
I am | I Want | I Have |
Nice | Knowedge | Principles |
Organized | Causes | Values |
Neat | Spontaneity | Patience |
not sure,if I tucked the web2.0 listing
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What was the recovery practice and business continuiny planning !!
Senate bill 259 - foster parent ruling- state law-OK
Sent via BlackBerry on the Bell Mobility network
Note to self: there's a radical shift in thought all over. IT infrastrcutres calls for change in thinking !!
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authentic Boredom.. has such interesting things to say.. he's so ironical too..brillent posts now and then..
This cuts thru the chatter, a pic speaks a thousand words... it to cute
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interesting tapestry of thought here
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another one for 55 waya to have fun with google
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