Sunday, April 13, 2008

one more reason to Put her Down !!

yeah difficult to work - as she want so perch and play with the string on my jacket !! Thank Gawd  I Lv her- b'coz I don't eally always like her !!


Anonymous said...

I hope you mean put her down as in 'on the floor' versus 'dead', because she's adorable! ;) I'm sure kittens can be rambunctious!

Peter said...

'on the floor' only :)-

shes too adorable to take her to the vet for "that" !!

Rob said...

Our cat - Pussee - is a nightmare - wakes us up - attacks me - sits on my lap when I am working and cleans her bum ...

But we do love her so much - must be crazy

Peter said...

yeah thats the problem 80% of the time they sleep and the remain 20% of the time they keep you awake 80% of the nite !!

I get up with all her toys on my bed.. the mouse, the tennis ball, the tinkerballs and whatnot !!