Monday, July 31, 2006

Bloglines - That's one confused looking dog.

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

I am directly moving content from bloglines to blogger platform. Not sure, Ambient is posting and the VBlog is not showing in Bloglines.. Will it show in Blogspot ??

Ambient Thoughts

That's one confused looking dog.

By Sutha

That's one confused looking dog.

This blog entry was posted directly from my cellphone powered by AmbientVector.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bloglines - Italian Power Generator

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

this is hilarious.. domain Italia !!

iBLOGthere4iM   iBLOGthere4iM
Randy Charles Morin blogs for the sake of blogging.

Italian Power Generator

By (Randy Charles Morin) on domain

Guess what the domain name for the Italian Power Generator company is (currently inaccessible)?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Awwww..kitten cuteness !!



PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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Friday, July 14, 2006

Bloglines - versatilists ??

Bloglines user PeterDawson ( has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

need this link to be scratchpadded.. interesting article that needs disection

Google Blogoscoped Forum
Discussion on Google, other Search Engines, SEO, and Google Blogoscoped

versatilists ??

By /pd

""versatilists" -- those with a technology background who also know the business sector inside and out, can architect and carry out IT plans that will add business value, and can cultivate relationships both inside and outside the company" Do you agree with this statement ?? Warning : Article is a long read.

Uncle Sams Way

Sam Walton's 10 Rules for Success

Not much need for an introduction, explanation or commentary. (ed.)

The basics ...

Rule #1
Commit to your business. Believe in it more than anything else. If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do the best you can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you - like a fever.

Rule #2
Share your profits with all your associates, and treat them as partners. In turn, they will treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations.

Rule #3
Motivate your partners. Money and ownership aren't enough. Set high goals, encourage competition and then keep score. Make bets with outrageous payoffs.

Rule #4
Communicate everything you possibly can to your partners. The more they know, the more they'll understand. The more they understand, the more they'll care. Once they care, there's no stopping them. Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitors.

Rule #5
Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune.

Rule #6
Celebrate your success and find humour in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and everyone around you will loosen up. Have fun and always show enthusiasm. When all else fails put on a costume and sing a silly song.

Rule #7
Listen to everyone in your company, and figure out ways to get them talking. The folks on the front line - the ones who actually talk to customers - are the only ones who really know what's going on out there. You'd better find out what they know.

Rule #8
Exceed your customer's expectations. If you do they'll come back over and over. Give them what they want - and a little more. Let them know you appreciate them. Make good on all your mistakes, and don't make excuses - apologize. Stand behind everything you do. 'Satisfaction guaranteed' will make all the difference.

Rule #9
Control your expenses better than your competition. This is where you can always find the competitive advantage. You can make a lot of mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you're too inefficient.

Rule #10
Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going exactly in the opposite direction.

Sam Walton's 10 Rules For Success - from Sam Walton: Made in America, My Story, co-authored by J. Huey, Doubleday.

PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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Sunday, July 09, 2006

I party too much !!

yeah this weekend is hard for me ...I partied too much and still one more game to go this afternoon !! :)-


PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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Friday, July 07, 2006

business cards

"While exchanging business cards, handle the other person's card very carefully - don't bend it or slide it in your trouser pocket. Instead, neatly place it in your wallet or briefcase. Show respect. "
Via: Amit

PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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bud light

classica bartender.. need to tip her :)-


PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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happy hours !!!

NOW, we have an even better way to start the day. Obvy, it's time for this Lil' gal to chug-a-pug.


PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
"This message is printed on Recycled Electrons."

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Trends 2006

Via. rubel S.

PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
"This message is printed on Recycled Electrons."

Monday, July 03, 2006

hes got a point

"This is a virtual world. Why do we need to live with first-world rules?"  -  He's got a point !!

HatTip matt
PeterDawson Home of ThoughtFlickr's
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